

module.exports = Status

Initialize the Status object with three parameters which describe the graph:

  • directed: True if a link from node A to node B is the same a s a link form B to A
function Status(directed) { this._directed = directed } var cons = Status , proto = cons.prototype proto.constructor = cons

Status#is checks for equality between two links, paying attention to whether the graph is directed. Links are equal if they point to the same objects. = function(A, B) { var directed_match = (A.source == B.source) && ( == if (this._directed) { return directed_match } var cross_match = ( == B.source) && (A.source == return cross_match || directed_match }

Status#indexOf checks if the link is in the register, find and return its first index in the link array. Otherwise return -1.

proto.indexOf = function(link, force) { var link_array = force.links() var match for(var i = 0, len = link_array.length; i < len; ++i) { if(, link_array[i])) { return i } } return -1 }

Status#has is a convenience function.

proto.has = function(link, force) { return this.indexOf(link, force) > 1 }

Status#count returns a count of the number of times a link appears in the force.links() array. It will always iterate through the whole array.

proto.count = function(link, force) { var link_array = force.links() , count = 0 var match for(var i = 0, len = link_array.length; i < len; ++i) { if([i], link)) { count += 1 } } return count }